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for friends

Vevivo for Friends

Organise your social life, meet more often with your friends and find fun things to do!

Create a private group chat and invite your friends

Create a private group

Download the app, Go to chat, Create a group, Have Fun
Your best friends group chat

Download the app

Register and fill your profile with all the necessary information!

Go to chat

Check the navigation bar at the bottom, the 4th icon is a chat icon, tap it!

Create a group

You are almost there, all you have left is to create the group and invite your friends!

Have fun

Send messages, pictures, start discussions, create meet-ups, and many more!

Your social life in one page!
Try out our meet-up suggestions!

Your social dashboard

Your social life in one page!

Try out our meet-up suggestions!


Users have already
downloaded the app

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